Minutes - Business Committee

Meeting Venue:


Meeting date: 22 June 2021

Meeting time: 18.06 - 18.45







Committee Members:

Elin Jones MS, Llywydd (Chair)

Lesley Griffiths MS

Darren Millar MS

Siân Gwenllian MS

Committee Staff:

Aled Elwyn Jones (Clerk)

Bethan Garwood (Deputy Clerk)

Others in attendance

Jane Dodds MS

David Rees MS, Deputy Presiding Officer

Manon Antoniazzi

Siwan Davies, Director of Senedd Business

Siân Wilkins, Head of Chamber and Committee Service

Julian Luke, Head of Policy and Legislation Committee Service

Helen Carey, Welsh Government

Gwion Evans, Head of the Llywydd's Private Office



1       Introductions, apologies and substitutions

The Llywydd welcomed the Members to the meeting.



2       Establishment and remits of committees



2.1   Sixth Senedd Committees - remits

Business Committee agreed the titles and remits of committees, and agreed to propose motions to be considered in Plenary tomorrow. Business Committee agreed to return to the establishment of a Scrutiny of the First Minister Committee and the Llywydd’s Committee at a later date.


The Committee also agreed to propose a motion tomorrow for the allocation of chairs between political groups.


The committees to be established and the allocation of chairs are as follows:


·         Children, Young People and Education Committee - Labour;

·         Health and Social Care Committee – Welsh Conservatives;

·         Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs - Welsh Conservatives;

·         Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee - Plaid Cymru;

·         Equality and Social Justice - Labour;

·         Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International    Relations – Plaid Cymru;

·         Local Government and Housing - Labour;

·         Finance Committee – Plaid Cymru;

·         Public Accounts and Public Administration  Committee – Welsh Conservatives;

·         Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee - Labour;

·         Standards of Conduct Committee – Labour;

·         Petitions Committee – Labour.

Business Committee agreed that each policy and legislation committee should have six Members, and each specialist committee four, aside from the Public Accounts and Public Administration Committee which will have five, as prescribed in Standing Orders.


The Committee agreed in principle that nominations and elections for Chairs would take place next Tuesday, with a view to agreeing the remaining membership of as many committees as possible next Wednesday.



2.2   Sixth Senedd Committees - Ministerial responsibilities

Business Managers agreed to consider the paper overnight and confirm that they are content the Ministerial responsibilities are all covered by the remits of the committees, as required by SO 16.4(ii).



2.3   Sixth Senedd Committees - draft report

Business Committee asked for the report to be amended in light of today’s discussions, so that it could be agreed out of Committee and laid tomorrow.



3       Senedd Commission



3.1   Senedd Commission

Business Committee noted the three Members proposed by the political groups as Senedd Commissioners: Plaid Cymru – Rhun ap Iorwerth; Conservatives - Janet Finch-Saunders; Labour - Ken Skates.


A majority on Business Committee agreed that the additional member would be Joyce Watson, Darren Millar objected to the fourth member being from the Labour group.


Business Committee agreed to table the motion to appoint the Senedd Commissioners to be considered in Plenary tomorrow.



Any Other Business

First Supplementary Budget


Business Committee agreed to prioritise agreeing the membership of the Finance Committee to ensure that the Committee can scrutinise the supplementary budget.





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